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The Art of Effective Communication: Austin Johnson’s Insights for Executives

by Declan Lording
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Great leaders are often said to be great communicators, but not every leader is born with a silver tongue.

Dr. Austin Johnson, PhD, of Executive Counseling, has made it his mission to improve leaders’ communication. With his background in clinical psychology and extensive experience working with leaders across various industries, he proves that mastering communication is possible with enough practice.

Active Listening In Corporate Settings.

Active listening is often dismissed as a buzzword, but it holds significant real-world value in corporate settings. This skill requires paying attention to tone, body language, underlying emotions, and resisting the temptation to only focus on your own point of view.

Johnson adds that executives should maintain eye contact, nod in acknowledgment, and provide thoughtful reflective feedback demonstrating that the speaker has been understood on his or her own terms in order for this type of listening to work.

Moreover, active listening builds trust and clarity within the organization, fostering a more supportive workplace culture. When team members feel valued, they are more likely to share their ideas and concerns openly.

Mastering Non-Verbal Cues

Many executives fall into the trap of thinking that effective communication is all about their chosen words. In reality, non-verbal cues such as posture, gestures, and facial expressions are equally important in conveying messages.

Johnson shares that executives can enhance their ability to connect with their teams by paying attention to and controlling these subtle signals. “These non-verbal cues can often speak louder than words,” the coach explains.

Executives must be mindful of their body language during interactions. “This means being aware of tension in your own body and how this might translate into subtle impressions of frustration, resentment, or defensiveness during conversations. Similarly, varying between matching the energy of your conversational partner and then introducing open displays of calm energy such as a deep relaxing breath, leaning in slightly, or even relaxing back in your chair can help set a positive, collaborative tone,” he cites.

Dealing With Conflict with Open Dialogue and Empathy

Conflict is inevitable in any organization, but how it is managed can make all the difference. Johnson advocates addressing conflicts through open dialogue to resolve issues before they escalate.

“A leader’s job is to create a safe space where team members feel comfortable expressing their views,” he shares.

Notably, empathy is an essential component of conflict resolution. Understanding the perspectives of all parties involved can lead to more amicable solutions. Listening without judgment and validating the feelings of others are both non-negotiables.

To help get ahead of conflicts, leaders can utilize a number of different strategies, such as voicing open statements of empathy (e.g., “If I was in your shoes, I imagine I would be disappointed or even angry”), treating listening and responding as separate steps (e.g., “Does it sound like I’m understanding the gist of your argument?”), and demonstrating a genuine appreciation for uncomfortable feedback (e.g., “I want you to know how much I appreciate you sharing this information with me.”).

Johnson adds, “The more congruence you have between your words, actions, and emotional tone, the easier it will be to maintain the frame of collaboration and teamwork when things might otherwise get heated.”

Clarity and Consistency in Leadership Messaging

Johnson stresses that executives must articulate their goals in a way that is easily understood by their teams. Consistent messaging avoids misunderstandings and guarantees everyone is aligned with the organization’s objectives. Johnson recommends using straightforward language and repeating key messages to reinforce their importance.

Additionally, he reminds executives that consistency involves aligning actions with words. Leaders must lead by example, showing the values and behaviors they expect from their teams. “This builds credibility, which is important for effective leadership,” he says.

Inspiring Teams Through Communication

According to Johnson, effective communication can create a compelling goal and motivate their teams to achieve it. But how can this be achieved?

First, executives must prioritize group cohesion over the momentary relief found in venting their frustrations. Second, they must recognize and celebrate the contributions that each individual makes toward the team as a whole. “All leaders should practice positive reinforcement and express genuine appreciation for efforts and accomplishments,” he shares.

Finally, Johnson advises executives to share their own experiences and challenges, which can make them more relatable. Leaders can inspire their teams to strive for excellence through this communication style.

An Ongoing Effort

There is no doubt about it—communication is the currency of leadership, and this skill can make or break an executive’s success. That said, Johnson reminds his clients that this skill is not developed overnight. Instead, it requires ongoing effort. “Each interaction can be an opportunity to enhance communication abilities.”

Executives who commit to refining their communication skills will be better equipped to connect with their teams and drive success. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards for the leader and their organization are well worth it.

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