Home » Restoring Trust and Integrity into Healthcare: The Community-centric Mission Behind WELL-KONNECT

Restoring Trust and Integrity into Healthcare: The Community-centric Mission Behind WELL-KONNECT

by Declan Lording
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The path to finding purpose is often filled with moments of epiphany, inroads to self-discovery, and difficult experiences that shape perspectives and values.


Central to WELL-KONNECT is the belief that equal opportunities in healthcare should be a right, not a luxury. To support this ethos, the company is built upon three pillars: research that delves into racial and socioeconomic differences, affordability, and high-quality care that starts at clients’ homes. Through leveraging strategic partnerships and tapping into the founder’s academic acumen, WELL-KONNECT rapidly develops protocols, conducts comprehensive research, and delivers innovative solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Now a catalyst of change in healthcare, Dr. Kay’s odyssey roots back to humble beginnings in Dominica. Raised by a strict and supportive father and a stepmother, Kawana recalls feeling blessed to have grown up in a two-parent household. Though she felt a strong connection to both of her parents, Dr. Kay has always been her father’s ‘little girl,’ nurturing the paternal bond that later became a beacon of guidance during life’s storms and challenges.

When she was in school, Dr. Kay’s family immigrated to the US. There, inspired and encouraged by the value her parents saw in education, she focused on nourishing her mind and knowledge. During her adolescence, Kawana discovered a spark that later transformed into her life’s biggest passion – sciences. From dreams of venturing into physics to shifting paths toward medicine, the art of sciences shaped her direction.

Dr. Kay began medical school at a nursing program. There, she sought out solutions to patient care, observed the struggles American citizens experienced when trying to navigate the system, and witnessed an immense fragmentation of the industry. During her voyage through university, Dr. Kay obtained a kaleidoscope of academic accolades, including a Ph.D. in Psychology from Walden University, a Master’s in Philosophy, a Master’s in Science, and a Bachelor’s in Nursing.

More than equipping her with the skills and knowledge to thrive in healthcare, Dr. Kay’s years of academia illuminated the gaps in healthcare that needed filling, such as health literacy deficits among patients, research that neglected minorities, and affordability struggles that made access to healthcare grueling for underserved and rural communities. Determined to close these gaps, Dr. Kay conceptualized WELL-KONNECT, or what she calls ‘the future of healthcare.’

Though the need for companies like WELL-KONNECT is evident, Dr. Kay’s road to establishing the firm was filled with obstacles and risks. Starting in university, this determined woman has always struggled with the sense of belonging, always feeling like she was ‘sticking outside of the box.’

“I have always wanted to pursue scientific nursing. Back then, it was a new concept, especially for someone who was just starting their academic journey,” shares Dr. Kay. Through all challenges, from finding like-minded mentors and peers to breaking through the glass ceiling and combating stereotypical notions of a woman in the industry, Dr. Kay persevered, driven by her insatiable urge to redefine healthcare.

Centered around the idea that high-quality care begins at home, WELL-KONNECT intervenes before an emergency happens, rigorously assessing clients’ conditions and alerting their care management teams so an outcome-driven plan can be put in place. Proactive rather than reactive, this approach reduces the risk of patients needing a costly treatment for an extended time.

What enriches the company’s strategy is the team’s dedication to listening. Dr. Kay explains, “Many patients appear in our ERs for ailments and multiple other reasons. When talking to them, we realize that, more often than not, they found themselves in that position because of nuances that went unnoticed for too long. To lift the ecosystem, we must pay attention to the subtle details that can make a world of a difference.”

WELL-KONNECT connects patients with adequate healthcare services, championing a future of equal opportunities while serving as Dr. Kay’s legacy. As the world shifts toward inclusivity and equality, WELL-KONNECT stands as a futuristic solution to issues that have plagued the industry for centuries.

“A cookie-cutter approach won’t cut it anymore. At WELL-KONNECT, a team of quick thinkers and visionaries develops contemporary protocols that bring solace amidst a crisis. When we look at our vision of the future, we’re looking at nothing short of perfection,” shares Dr. Kay. “Shonda Rhimes once said: When you change the world once, you change it again. That’s what WELL-KONNECT is all about – making a difference in another person’s life through ethics, trust, and setting the right example.”

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