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NeuralSeek’s Unmatched Speed Propels Businesses into the AI Fast Lane

by Declan Lording
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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as the next major step, allowing companies to automate processes, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge.

However, implementing AI can be daunting, requiring significant time, resources, and skill. This is where NeuralSeek comes in—an AI platform that accelerates AI adoption and integrates into businesses’ software environments.

Unlocking the Power of AI with NeuralSeek

NeuralSeek is a no-code platform that connects large language models (LLMs) and corporate data, dramatically reducing the effort businesses need to deploy agent-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), content generation, and other LLM-backed tasks. But some of its real differentiators are its ability to make AI both usable and trusted. Allowing for the detection and elimination of hallucinations. PII removal, hate and profanity removal, prompt injection removal and governance.

With NeuralSeek, businesses can help their virtual agents handle open-ended, complex, contextual questions from real customers based on their organisation’s data. This enables companies to provide personalised, accurate, and timely responses to customer inquiries, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

NeuralSeek is designed to make conversational AI feel more – well, conversational,” said Garrett Rowe, founder of Cerebral Blue, the company behind NeuralSeek. “Our platform lets businesses unlock the full potential of AI without requiring extensive coding or AI familiarity.

“With NeuralSeek, companies can focus on what matters most – delivering exceptional customer experiences and prioritising growth,” he adds.

Accelerating AI Implementation with NeuralSeek

One of the primary challenges businesses face with AI solutions is the time and effort required to implement them into their existing software environments. NeuralSeek addresses this by providing a stress-free integration process that can be completed in weeks rather than months or years. Cerebral Blue achieves this through NeuralSeek’s no-code platform, which bridges LLMs and the businesses’ data framework.

NeuralSeek is just unmatched speed, plain and simple. You won’t find a faster or easier method for businesses looking to adopt AI,” says Garett Rowe.

Taking Advantage of NeuralSeek

Companies adopting NeuralSeek follow a rather straightforward process. First, companies connect NeuralSeek to their existing corporate systems and knowledge bases, such as pdf files, databases, ticket systems and more.

Next, NeuralSeek generates natural language responses to customer inquiries, which can be reviewed, curated, and polished before being promoted into a virtual agent platform.

Finally, businesses can deploy NeuralSeek’s AI-power through a variety of mediums such as  virtual agents to handle customer inquiries, providing personalised, accurate, and timely responses.

With NeuralSeek, businesses can reduce the need for live agents by up to 80%,” said Rowe. “Our platform enables companies to automate customer support, translate from multiple languages or even detect and remove personal identifiable information from user inputs.

With its unmatched speed, NeuralSeek propels businesses into the AI fast lane. With artificial intelligence adoption rising to 77% of companies in 2024 alone, companies could not have deployed NeuralSeek at a more perfect time. Further accelerating this growth, Cerebral Blue has crafted its platform as the vehicle for future AI implementation.

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