Home » Link Building Company MonsterPBN Develops New Algorithm for Backlink Quality

Link Building Company MonsterPBN Develops New Algorithm for Backlink Quality

by Declan Lording
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MonsterPBN has recently announced adding an extra algorithm to its leading link building service, as a modern solution to the constantly updating policies and algorithms from search engines, particularly Google.

Despite being relatively new and established in 2020, MonsterPBN was founded by Oleg Malkov and Daniil Markelov, two known figures in the SEO industry with nearly 20 years of experience and impressive portfolios.

The company became a hit as soon as the two SEO experts decided to work together, running the most trustworthy service in terms of backlinks. Furthermore, running a bunch of other proprietary algorithms gave MonsterPBN authority over other SEO companies.

  1. A Focus on Highly Competitive Industries

If there’s one thing the SEO industry needs, that is a focus on highly competitive industries.

In theory, most SEO campaigns work on similar principles and relative techniques, meaning what works for some brands may not work for others and vice versa. However, everything revolves around the same ideas, helping websites gain notoriety to pop up at the top of result pages.

Highly competitive industries represent a challenge for most SEO companies. There are a few front runners, while the rest becomes irrelevant. That’s the gap that MonsterPBN tries to fill.

With a focus on these industries, MonsterPBN has succeeded in competitive challenges, supporting brands from all over the world, whether as a company or as individual projects run by the SEO experts behind it.

Part of MonsterPBN’s success and reputation is the first algorithm implemented by the company. Overtime, it has developed quite a few algorithms to ensure excellent ROI campaigns, mainly revolving around backlinks.

  1. Importance of Backlink Quality

Search engines are more sophisticated than ever today. More than a decade ago, everything was about quantity. More backlinks, more reputation, simple as that. Therefore, most SEO experts of those times simply spammed backlinks everywhere, including random link directories with no authority whatsoever.

It worked, but in the attempt to sift quality brands from the rest, search engines have adapted. Today, quantity is irrelevant. While the page rank is still there in one form or another, it no longer works like it used to.

Having 1,000 backlinks from random directories, forums and websites won’t help at all. Instead, having five high quality backlinks from authority websites will provide better results.

According to MonsterPBN, relevance is just as important and it’s directly related to the quality of a backlink. A shoe store with backlinks from a gaming portal won’t necessarily experience a solid growth in search engines. Instead, being part of the same niche is much better. That’s what relevance is about.

MonsterPBN’s unique algorithm is focused on quality, meaning backlinks are successfully checked in order to determine the potential success of a campaign.

Links aren’t just spammed left and right. Instead, the algorithm will assess their relevance, authority and importance first. This way, the campaign is straight to the point, leaving no room for guesswork or random mistakes.

The new algorithm shows a great level of innovation, but the experts behind MonsterPBN agree that this is only the beginning. They’re in a constant search for other gaps in the industry, aiming to fill up with unique solutions and a deep degree of customization for clients’ campaigns.

  1. A New Algorithm for Highly Competitive Industries

The new algorithm implies checking websites, their authority and even their own backlinks prior to using them as a backlink source for clients.

It’s a much more sophisticated approach compared to what most SEO companies do. They mainly look for websites with a bit of relevance before spamming backlinks. Relevance does help, but the authority of a website could be more important for search engines.

Assessing the quality of a potential backlink ensures the campaign is focused on every small detail. Not only is it more effective and successful, but it also saves time by excluding potential links from low authority websites.

Moreover, such an approach is likely to avoid penalties from search engines.

This isn’t the first time MonsterPBN has brought in an innovative approach to the SEO industry. Over the past few years, the team that barely counts 11 people has implemented a few other algorithms to ensure a more straightforward approach and deeply customized campaigns.

At the same time, with an obvious focus on highly competitive industries, MonsterPBN has become a leading option for brands willing to make it big over a relatively short period of time. We all know search engine optimization is a long-term process, but having all the research in place will make it much quicker.

  1. Going Further With Brand Growth

MonsterPBN’s unique algorithm has more benefits for brands in competitive niches.

While satisfying search engine algorithms and requirements is definitely a plus over result pages, such a bespoke campaign also improves the overall user experience, adding to the quality and relevant organic traffic.

Furthermore, quality backlinks also help build relationships with websites and influencers in the niche.

Unique programs also crawl thousands of domains at auction on a daily basis, meaning MonsterPBN will also grow the brand from a different direction. Domains with a good reputation and a high authority are sold on a regular basis, as companies go out of business.

This is another important element in brand awareness, but of course, like every other element of a professional SEO campaign, it has to be done by the book.

Tackling a competitive market from more directions will inevitably provide excellent results, especially when campaigns are based on thorough research and professional algorithms that can indicate the perfect direction.

Quality backlinks are obtained through a bespoke model for each client. They’re not individual but part of a bigger package that also covers the content, outreach activities, guest blogging and deep monitoring.

Of course, any of these elements must be considered with quality in mind. Successful link building is clearly a challenging process, especially when the competition is harsh, but benefits from a bespoke campaign are obvious in no time.

  1. Dominating the Market Since 2006

MonsterPBN is relatively new if you look at numbers only. Established in 2020, the link building company has become a front runner due to its innovative services and unique algorithms.

However, its founders Oleg Malkov and Daniil Markelov have an incontestable reputation. Perhaps that’s what contributed to the impressive growth of the company over the last few years, showcasing a series of successful campaigns for different brands across the world.

With an obvious focus on backlinks and their scalable power, MonsterPBN has shown that deep research for bespoke campaigns is the way forward. Quality is paramount in achieving great results, and using the right algorithms to assess quality will prevent guesswork and failed campaigns.

MonsterPBN has been created as the obvious answer to a demand. Not only do highly competitive industries require a different approach, but quality is often a matter of guesswork.

Backlinks going in the right direction won’t just show excellent results, but planting them in the right places will also rush the SEO campaign, offering better results over a relatively short period of time.

Despite backlinks being the driving force behind MonsterPBN, the company also offers associated services for brand growth and awareness, such as guest posting, niche edits, search engine penalty recovery and outreach support, among a few others.

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