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Care For Your Feet Like An Athlete

by Declan Lording
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treat your feet

treat your feet

The 2024 Summer Olympics were a reminder of the power of human athletic performance and how the human body can achieve superhuman performance. One thing often not talked about is the toll that physical exercise can take on your feet, preventing athletes of all levels from performing best when it matters most.

Running, cycling, squatting, and any other form of physical exercise can take a toll on your feet.

Stories abound of athletes who have lost toenails or suffered other foot- and nail-related catastrophes while competing.  The Olympian Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone famously pushed her way through the U.S. Olympic Trials after losing two toenails, dominating the competition and proving the importance of foot care in achieving peak performance.  “We wrapped them up and just got through it,” said Sydney about her experience.

You don’t have to be an Olympic star to find yourself suffering from any number of exercise-related foot problems.  The demanding nature of training can result in a laundry list of foot ailments including dryness, cracking, and nail damage.  Athlete’s foot and nail fungus thrive due to the warm, moist environments common in athletic settings.  If left untreated, nail fungus can damage the structure of a toenail to the point that it falls off entirely.

To help protect your feet, here are nine tips for preventing foot and nail issues:

  1. Avoid thick, tight shoes.

Shoes that are too thick and tight compress your feet, trapping them in a sweaty, airless environment that encourages fungal growth.

  1. Choose high-quality shoes.

Footwear made of plastic tends to heat up faster and lacks breathability compared to leather or canvas options, increasing the risk of infection.

  1. Steer clear of swimming pools and gyms

Public pools and gyms are warm, humid environments where the fungus that causes athlete’s foot can thrive. If your immune system is weaker, you may want to opt for outdoor activities like running instead.

  1. Keep your feet dry.

Fungi need warmth and moisture to grow, so keeping your feet dry can significantly reduce the risk of infection. Antifungal talcum powders are an affordable way to keep your feet dry throughout the day.

  1. Remove shoes after exercising.

After working out, take off your shoes and wash your feet with antibacterial soap to eliminate any lingering bacteria.

  1. Don’t share footwear

Even sharing shoes with friends or family can spread the fungus. The moisture from sweat, even in small amounts, can trigger an infection, especially in individuals with a weakened immune system.

  1. Wear socks made from natural materials

Socks made from cotton or silk are more breathable, making them a better option for reducing the likelihood of athlete’s foot while keeping your feet cool and comfortable in warmer weather.

  1. Use a proven foot and nail care product

For more severe cases of toenail fungus, dermatologists and podiatrists often suggest seeing a doctor for proper treatment. However, numerous over-the-counter remedies are available, such as creams, ointments, patches, liquid treatments, and more. A no-brainer option is Kerasal, the #1 doctor-recommended brand that offers a variety of solutions proven to improve the appearance of damaged fingernails and toenails.

  1. Support your immune system

If you experience frequent fungal infections, consider boosting your immune system by incorporating more antioxidants and vitamins into your diet. Though this may not be an option for everyone, improving overall health can reduce the risk of infections.

Now that you’ve got the tips, it’s time to treat your feet like an athlete. Whether you’re competing on the track or simply staying active, taking care of your feet should be a top priority. Don’t let preventable issues slow you down or keep you from reaching your full potential. With a little effort and the right products, you can keep your feet in peak condition and stay focused on your performance. So, get out there, put your best foot forward, and achieve greatness without the pain!

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