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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Power Dialer

by Declan Lording
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Power Dialers

Power Dialers


Power dialers have been the new addition to the criteria in which organizations have embraced outbound telesales and customer follow-up services. These tools can enhance telecalling by a large extent and can bring efficiency in communication by automating the dialing. But if used improperly, a power dialer can have adverse effects such as; the development of a bad reputation for the brand, reduced sales, and fines for regulatory compliance. To get the most out of a power dialer minimizing the risk factor, one has to avoid these pitfalls.

Understanding Power Dialers

In order to discuss the mistakes, one has to know what a power dialer is, first. It is mainly a telephony tool where the ability of a software application to dial numbers of a given list is integrated in such a way that this kind of application frees agents’ time and just prepares them for conversation instead of connection-making. There are two primary types: there are many types of auto dialers of which two main are; predictive dialers and progressive dialers. With predictive dialers, it is possible to identify potential choices of the call and link live agents with live prospects; on the other hand, progressive dialers make the next call only when the current one is terminated.

5 Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

1.    Ignoring Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

  • TCPA and Do-Not-Call Lists: Comply strictly to the TCPA and ensure only a clean DNC list is implemented in operations. Make doubly sure that your power dialer does not violate these regulations.
  • Caller ID Spoofing: Do not send any call with a fake or misleading caller identification. This is unlawful and may have adverse effects on your company’s image.
  • Robocalls: Learn what is allowed when it comes to robocalls and automated messages. Their use must be only when allowed and accompanied by disclosures.

2.    Neglecting Call Quality and Agent Experience:

  • Call Quality Monitoring: Some of the metrics include: dropped calls, poor audio quality and long waiting times and should be checked often.
  • Agent Training: Give thorough instruction to the agents on the use of the power dialer, the way they should manage the calls and dealing with objections from the opposite line.
  • Call Disposition Codes: Set up a strong call disposition to know how many calls last were made, closed or won, and how many are in follow up.

3.    Failing to Personalize Calls:

  • Customer Data Integration: Connect the customer data to the power dialer so when calling the customers, the information is easily accessible.
  • Personalized Scripts: This involves creating scripts to help market Personalize the communication with customers so as to improve on the engagement.
  • Dynamic Call Routing: Forward from the general line, those calls to people with specialized knowledge about the products or services offered.

4.    Overlooking Call Data Analysis:

  • Call Analytics: Take advantage of call analytics solutions in order to track trends, results, and weak points.
  • Campaign Optimization: Choose how numerous times to call back the prospects based on statistics in order to maximize the outcome: conversion rates.
  • Agent Performance Evaluation: Employ call analytics that will help you give feedback on the performance of your agents and give them relevant feedback.

5.    Ignoring Customer Experience:

  • Call Volume Management: Do not call them too often or get them too many calls at any one time and to avoid frustrating them.
  • Call Timing: A better Alternative: Depending on the gender of the customer, and their general time of activity.
  • Call Backs: Adopt a proper call-back system in order to be able to get back to the customers as soon as possible.

Tips for Successful Power Dialer Implementation


Power dialer as we have seen is a very efficient feature and if you would like to see its use to the maximum these hints should be followed.

  • Choose the Right Power Dialer: Select the power dialer which will address your business needs, your pocket and regulatory rules of your business as well.
  • Develop a Comprehensive Dialing Strategy: The ability to make a successful call in a call center requires the formulation of a clear call dialing plan: the call list, the call script and the effective call codes within the call center environment.
  • Prioritize Data Quality: Also, please ensure your contact data is clean, updated and it should also satisfy different compliance standards.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Some adjustments should be made on the power dialer performance frequently this is because the program may indicate some error that needs to be corrected.
  • Compliance Audit: From time to time one should perform compliance audit in order to determine possible risks as to compliance and, thus, identify other issues concerning noncompliance.

Specifically power dialers are useful tools but can be destructive, if wielded improperly, in the sales and customer relation realms. However, for organizations to benefit from them and at the same time avoid some of these problems, they have to adopt a strategic view. One has to worship legal and regulatory compliance as legal noncompliance has severe repercussions. Predicting, avoiding, and promptly handling negative calls is important to ensure tremendous trust and brand loyalty are established between the company and the consumers.

Data-driven decision-making is essential. Understanding of call metrics, behavior of agents and customers is helpful in order to make proper dialing decisions. It is as a result of this that when a business selects a correct power dialer, it must put in place good dialing policies and constantly audit the use to ensure that it is getting the maximum out of this technology without exposing the business to too many risks.

It’s very important to note that power dialing campaigns can increase sales and customer interaction considerably, but carelessness can be very destructive.


1. What is the most common mistake people make when using a power dialer?

The first of these that have been established are negligence in respect of compliance with the legal and regulatory standards. This was also convenient for and entailed not adhering to the TCPA-that is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act-and not respecting Do-Not-Call lists. They can cause fines, systematically build the bad image of your brand, or legal prosecution.

2. Are power dialers illegal?

The use of automatic dialer software is not prohibited. But they have to follow some regulations, for instance the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Any organization that violates laid down rules is punishable to the extent of the law. Compliance is not a thing that you can risk or which people can decide to bet.

3. Why is a power dialer employed?

Power dialer will also handle the outbound phone calls on sales staff making service agents and transmit other mass digital communication for instance sending emails or notifications of services offered to customers.

4. How much does a power dialer cost?

Power dialer pricing also heavily varies and it ranges from $10 up to $300 per user per month. The best features of the various Gulated policies depend on the provider, the size of the business and the price level that come with these features. When you make a head on comparison of your needs and the various plans that are on the market, you will be sure to generalize your calling needs and therefore be able to establish the specific plan that will meet the need and also the one that is most economical.

5. What are some tips for successful power dialer implementation?

To achieve this make sure that the power dialer used is appropriate, that you set the right dialing strategy, have a good database, should regularly assess power dialer performance and last but not the least ensure that there is compliance with the power dialer. And thus, how to leverage a power dialer effectively and minimize harms at the same time has been identified.

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